Saturday 27 July 2013

The Bad Boy Stole My Teddy Bear

Review by : Sweetness_in_Madness

Author: xoxogirlxoxo876

Length : 29 parts / 68 pages
Main Genders :  Teen Fiction / Humor
 Rating : 4.5 out of 5

Bridget May is what every parent could ever want their daughter to be and more. Ben Collins is every parent's worst and darkest nightmare. However, the duo does have something in common. They just can't stand eachother. So put the two into one house for five months straight and it's just a recipe for chaos. Bridget knows that Ben is trouble, the whole town does, but Bridget wasn't expecting this sort of trouble. A trouble that puts her in danger. And who is this mysterious Trevor Michaels who seems to have a dark past with Ben? As the secrets begin to unravel, Bridget is forced to make a choice. A choice between her safety and her desires. A heartwarming romantic comedy about love and it's devilish ways.

It was so...... afghafgagaf saghfgahahf gfgfhahga!!!!!!!


This is my first Wattpad book review, so here we go!!!!!

This book had good comedy, the reason I say 'good' is because yeah, I have read a few books with better, but all in all this book did make me 'laugh out loud' which I find is a very important quality to have in a book, but I guess it also depends on what type of book your reading.

I really enjoyed this book, I was up until 4 in the morning (or was it five?) reading this book, and when I realized that I had to go to bed, it was one of those moments when it's physically painful to close a book, that was what it was like for me to close this book and wait for tomorrow or at least wait for a few hours. And the thing with me is that when I come to a very serious, embarrassing, and bad moment in a book, I tend to freak out a lot.

Basically this is me.

True story.......

Now I'm not going to go ahead and say all of that I was gripped at the first page, or sentence, or word, or letter, stuff,  because lets be real here. That would be weird.
In all honesty I was thinking of putting this book down for a while, until I got to the part where she had to move in, shocker? No.
I quite enjoyed the bickering that went on between them, but there where these moments (that I knew were supposed to be there by the way) where Ben would say or do something, and with Bridget I was like "whoa whoa whoa, hold up. Excuse me?" Like dude, your giving me mixed signals here. Now Ben was pretty much your normal supposed to be bad boy, he was a jerk, a player, would basically bring up something, well you know, in almost every conversation, and he's a total hottie, every girls dream, right? Well I guess if your into the whole jerk, player and gang member thing, he's your man!

Oh I'm sorry what? Yes, yes I did just say gang member. Lady's, our Ben Collins! Is a gang member, or is he an ex? ahh I don't really remember.

Now you wanna know why I brought up the fact that I go crazy at certain moments in a book?

Because there was a frickin emotional tsunami at the end!

I'm just going to get straight to the point at hand, forget going through all the character talk, Ben and Bridget's relationship, all the mystery,the
drama that went on, I'm just going to go straight to the problem at hand like I always do!

Now, I'm going to give you a recap of what happened.

Bridget and Ben don't like each other, Bridget has parents who work all the time and one day her mom comes home and says how her and her father have to go on a five month trip, and that she is going to stay with the Collins, a.k.a Ben. Bridget hates the idea and tries to fight back, but of course she loses like we all do to our mothers, she packs her bags and heads to the Collins house, after Ben locks her out in the rain then finally lets her in, things go crazy from there.

You find out that Ben has a secret brother named ******* I think he's supposed to be in
, or he's younger, not fully sure but I'm going with the collage age. Then you are introduced to the four, or is it five? or three? No four, I think, friends of Ben Collins, they are the type that you expect to be mean and just rude, but end up being awesome and you wish you were friends with them instead. Then Bridget meats the mysterious Trevor and goes on a date with him, when Ben and his friends find out they tell her that she should stay away from him and that he's not who she thinks he is, of course she hates that she's being treated like a baby and tells them so, and THEN secretly goes on some date with him, THEN she finds out that he is a part of a gang and that Ben and his friends are a gang and that Trevor's big brother killed their fifth gang member, and to get revenge they do the right and civilized thing, they call the cops, NOT. They go ahead, think of a plan, and kill Trevor's brother, Trevor obviously wants to avenge his brother, but instead of killing Ben, he takes his love, the girl he's in love with, who was cheating on him, and gave her a choice, it's either his life or hers, so she tells him to kill her instead, so right in front of Ben they shoot her between the eyes, when Ben and the guys finish telling her this story, it's more into the book so by this point Bridget has strange feelings for Ben and Ben has strange feelings for Bridget. Ben then runs up to his room and slams his door because who knows what his emotions were doing, Bridget runs up and they talk and tell each other that they really like each other and then they end up kissing and the next day they end up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend and blah blah blah.

Anyways, now they really love each other and all of that, then Trevor sends Bridget a letter saying it's either her or Ben, and that she can't tell anyone about the letter, so it's the whole other girl thing going on again, Bridget decides to tell all of the guys but Ben because she want's to make a plan to end all of the Trevor drama, okay so blah blah blah blah, all of this stuff happens, Ben finds out, he goes to the place that everything is happening at, sees the guys but not Bridget because they are already putting the plan in  motion, okay so blah blah blah,  plan doesn't go as planned, Ben shows up, Trevor is about to shoot Bridget, Ben attacks him, all of this stuff happens and then bam. They are in the hospital now and Bridget goes to see Ben in his room, and you know what happens? He decides to break up with her.

This is a list of what I was doing at that moment....

1. At first I was like......


2. And then I was like "I think me and Ben need to have a little talk".......

3. And then I was all like......

4. And finally I was like.....

Now, Ben did it for Bridget's own good, and there was a second book that made everything better, but even knowing that, I was still all like this at Ben.....

Why everytime I do a review on a book I like I make it sound like I hated it?

Listen!! I love this book!!!!! There was almost no grammar mistakes, it's Funny, it's Romantic, it has that type of Mystery to it, I love it. Go ahead and read 'The Bad Boy Stole My Teddy Bear'
I would like to congratulate the author for writing such a lovely book!

Remember this is just my opinion, there isn't a 100% chance you will love it also, but there's only one way to find out! Click the link to go to the books page on Wattpad and start reading, maybe even find other stories, it really is an amazing site.

But remember, there is going to be an  EMOTIONAL TSUNAMI!
The Bad Boy Stole My Teddy Bear


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